Showing 17–19 of 19 results
$7.50Add to cart
Invoke the Sinister Presence of the Shadow! Bring the terrifying, life-draining force of the Shadow to your tabletop! This ethereal creature lurks in the dark, siphoning the strength of unsuspecting adventurers and vanishing before it can be struck down.
$7.50Add to cart
Awaken the Cursed Might of the Wight! Add the cold, calculating malice of the Wight to your undead ranks! Known for their sentient cruelty and the ability to raise more undead, Wights are powerful adversaries that pose a real threat to even experienced adventurers.
$37.50Add to cart
Unleash the Unstoppable Terror of the Zombie Horde! Bring the relentless, shambling mass of the Zombie Horde to your tabletop! These mindless, undead creatures swarm and overwhelm adventurers with sheer numbers and relentless hunger.